As Apollo wept over Hyacinth, his tears, which dropped on the ground, turned into the beautifully scented   flowers, the hyacinths. Jean Broc, The Death of Hyacinthos (1801). Sacred to : Haides (asphodel planted around tombs), Persephone & Hekate (statues of these goddesses were adorned with asphodel on the island of Rhodes) Another legend is that asters were formed when Virgo scattered stardust over the Earth, wherever the stardust came to rest, aster flowers bloomed. Mythology : Fire of Prometheus. Narcissus – a genus of predominantly spring perennial plants of the amaryllis family, Amaryllidaceae. When he pursued her, she fled and transformed into a laurel tree to escape him. Sacred to : Aphrodite (the plant was associated with impotency) She then used the same to revive her own dead brother. Acacia. When the god was grown he sought the aid of the goddess Metis or Gaia who served Kronos an herbal emetic which caused the Titan to disgorge his divine sibligns: Poseidon, Haides, Hera, Demeter and Hestia. Narcissus and Echo John William Waterhouse (1903). In order to elude Hera, Zeus turned Io into a white heifer (some versions of the myth have it that Hera herself transformed Io). It has large oval leaves. Others suggest the name carnation comes from the word corone (flower garlands) or coronation as carnations were used prolifically in Greek ceremonial crowns. Description : An evergreen pencil-shaped tree with needle like leaves and small cones. Zeus, however, forbade the Sun, Moon and Dawn to shine, and found the drug before her. It flowers in late spring and produces purplish black berries in the fall. Paeon was the physician to the gods who quite unintentionally, drove his teacher, Asclepius, into a rage, after he succeeded in healing Pluto with a milky liquid which he had extracted from the root of a peony. The locals, being of a generous and laid back nature, at once, on meeting these strangers, offered them lotus flowers, which the sailors happily accepted, ten minutes later, they had not a care in the world. 10 Ancient Greeks Myths about 10 Ancient Greek Trees, 12 Important Aromatic Herbs of Ancient Greece – Benefits and Uses. Sacred to : Dionysos (god of wine and viticulture) Myth 2 : Death of Aias. Showing off to his lover, Hyacinth ran to catch the discus, Zephyrus saw his chance and blew the discus off course causing it to strike Hyacinth on the head, felling him instantly. Myth 2 : Metamorphosis Ampelos. (Source: Hesiod, Apollodorus, et al) In Greek mythology, the rose, the Queen of flowers, is said to have been created by the goddess of flowers, Chloris, who was said to breathe roses as she spoke. Mythology : Hamadryas Kraneia. A serpent came forth and killed the baby. (Source: Athenaeus), Also : Turkish fir and Trojan fir (Source: Apollonius Rhodius) The Greek myth about the narcissus flower is a cautionary tale about the imperfections of humans. Ever wondered how many flowers are there in the world, and what their names are? Description : A creeping vine which flowers in autumn and whose black berries ripen in late winter. (Source: Ovid) The nymph-protectors of apple-orchards. Myth 1 : Wedding of Hera. The second myth associates the name peony to an alluring nymph named Paeonia, whose beauty caused Apollo to swoon at her feet. (Source: Athenaeus), Greek : Amarantos, helikhruson, khrysokomê Hera prevented Zeus from visiting the cow, but, by sending Hermes, to distract Argus Panoptes, a giant with one hundred eyes, whom Hera had employed to watch over the cow, Zeus freed Io, (Still in the form of a cow). (Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France). 26. The son of one of the nurses of Dionysos. All the plants are illustrated, just click on the thumbnails to view an image montage of each plant. Greek : Elatê He found the boy drowned in a vat of honey, and was then locked by the king in a cell with the body and commanded to bring him back to life. Cybele by Luca Giordano (Naples 1632 – Naples 1705). A poor shepherd boy found it, but would not give it back because he had become entranced with his own image. Unfortunately for Clytie, Helios had his eye on Leucothoe, another sea nymph and abandoned Clytie, who, hurt and angered at the loss of her love, Helios, told Leucothea’s father, Orchamus, of what his daughter was up to. The sweet iris was named by the Greeks after the goddess of the rainbow. Hera, though, awoke with a start and flung the poor baby from her, the milk, gushing from her breast, sprayed across the heavens, forming the Milky Way, the few drops which fell to Earth, sprang up as lily flowers. Some sources say, Rhea, the mother of goddess’ and her daughter, Demeter, brought the poppy from her Cretan cult to Eleusis and it is almost certain that in the Cretan cult circle, opium was derived from poppies. Greek : Kôneion Species : Fraxinus ornus N.B. Myth 1 : Bouquet of Persephone. I’m Never Going Back, Capricorn: the Ancient Greek Myth Behind the Zodiac Sign, Sagittarius: the Ancient Greek Myth Behind the Zodiac Sign, Epiphany; Theophania, Ton Foton; Greek Customs & Traditions, Archangels Michael - Gabriel - Raphael - Fallen Angels - Lucifer, Mammon, Asmodeus - A celebration of Angels, Top 15 Greek Christmas and New Year Customs and Traditions, 20 Ancient Greek Myths About 20 Ancient Greek Flowers. The child conceived was Attis, who grew up to became the consort of the Kybele. Species : Laurus nobilis In the image right - click on thumbnail - , the letters AI are typed beside the letter shapes on the central petal. This tree of the golden apples was guarded by the three goddess Hesperides. Ancient Greek polychromatic pottery painting (dating to c. 300 BC) of Achilles during the Trojan War. English Origin. Arachne, a shepherd’s daughter, challenged Athena, goddess of wisdom and crafts, to a weaving contest, once Athena saw Arachne’s talent was much greater than her own; she became consumed with rage and jealousy and beat Arachne around the head. (Sources: Pausanias, Ovid) It’s a popular name in many parts of the world due to its mention in various religious books. Origin: Greek. Hera then sent a horse-fly to sting Io, driving her to wander the world without respite, during her wanderings Io came across Prometheus, who advised Io how she would be restored to human form and become the ancestress of the greatest hero of all times, Heracles. It came into the spotlight by the little … Species : Helleborus cyclophyllus (and H. orientalis and Veratrum album) the use of superstitious charms and spells by the average man), witchcraft (the harmful use of magic) and the concoction of poisons. Species : Asphodelus ramosus Paeon was a healer, working under the instruction of Asclepius, the god of medicine. One of the Titanes who fled from Zeus and was transformed by his mother Gaia into a fig-tree. In a fit of anger, Artemis, gouged out his eyes but as soon as her rage had passed, she felt such remorse, that  where the eyes fell, red carnations grew as sign of innocent blood. The name Melanthios is derived from the Greek word melas, which means black and anthos, which means flower. Greek : Akoniton, lykoktonon Delphinium or Larkspur – a genus of about 300 species of perennial flowering plants in the family Ranunculaceae. Zeus, as any father, wanted only the best for his baby son and knew nothing topped the milk of Hera, his wife, when it came to raising Greek gods, how though, could he persuade Hera to nourish the child of her husband’s illicit affair? (Source: Strabo), Greek : Ptelea Chloris (Flora) and the Zephyrs- John William Waterhouse 1898, Chloris was also thought to have been answerable for the metamorphosis of Adonis, Attis, Crocus, Hyacinthus and Narcissus into flowers. The fruit is edible but has an acidic tang. Campanula or bellflower – one of several genera in the family Campanulaceae. Attis, a shepherd, son of the Mother of the gods, Cybele, was either gored to death by a wild boar whilst resting under a pine tree, or, depending on which myth you read, he emasculated himself and bled to death. The plant was ever after sacred to the god. The Greek word for violet is io, which was also the name of the daughter of Inachos, the first King of Argos, Io was a mortal and a priestess of the Goddess Hera, goddess of women, marriage, family, and childbirth, and wife of Zeus, king of the Greek gods. (Source: Pausanias) Species : Heliotropium europaeum, H. hirsutissimum, H. supinum The fir-cone was a symbol of the god's phallus. Paris Bordone – Zeus and Io – Kunstmuseum, Göteborg. Mythology : Birth of Hera. Yarrow – Achillea millefolium – Achilles’ thousand-leaved plant. During the spring festival of Cybele and Attis, a pine tree was felled, brought to the temple, and covered with violets. Sacred to : Aphrodite (probably planted in the "Adonis-gardens") Read on for a list of flower names … Hellebore or Christmas rose – the Eurasian genus Helleborus consists of approximately 20 species of herbaceous or evergreen perennial flowering plants in the family Ranunculaceae. Sacred to : Artemis (there was a sanctuary of Artemis Kedreatis, Lady of the Cedar, near Orkhomenos where the cult image was set in the tree), Greek : Selinon Description : An herbaceous perennial plant with purplish-blue flowers which grows up to a metre in height. Species : Juniperus oxycedrus Violets are said to have sprung from his blood and in memory of Attis, the priests of Cybele ritually self-mutilated themselves in the same way. It has yellow spring blossoms and bright red fruit which ripen in late summer. Sacred to : Dionysos (ivy garlands were worn by celebrants of the god's orgies and ivy was used to decorate their thyrsos-staffs) Description : A creeping perennial with greyish leaves and stalks, and small, bright yellow flowers. The identification of the plant species are from the Henry George Liddell Greek-English lexicon. Mythology : Birth of Attis. ), Greek : Daphnê Sacred to : Demeter, Dionysos A Truly Complete List of Flower Names and Their Meanings. Yarrow is a symbol of lasting love, owing to the fact that it takes two or more years to propagate from seed before becoming established, but once established, yarrow is a strong and lasting perennial which can endure conditions and neglect which would kill many other plants. Another myth tells us that violets first appeared on the spot where Orpheus laid his enchanted Lyre. Aphrodite, goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, passion and procreation, not known for her loyalty, and who was at the time, even though married to Hephaestus, Greek god of blacksmiths, having a fling with Apollo, the sun god, out of spite turned the nymph Peaonia into a flower. One afternoon, the opportunity arose when Apollo and Hyacinth were throwing a discus around. Fir wood was used for building. Mortified with shame, Echo ran to hide in the woods and from that time on, lived in a cave, her body wasting away from sadness; her bones changed into rocks, there was nothing left but her voice, with which she repeated anything she heard called out by passersby, she had become her namesake, Echo. (Source: Apollodorus, et al), Greek : Lygos, agnos In Ancient Greece, the poppy was a symbol of sleep and death, associated with Morpheus, God of sleep and dreams, and Demeter, Goddess of agriculture. Aphrodite, upon hearing the cries of her lover, ran to his side, only to witness Adonis bleeding to death. The Greek word for poppy is παπαρούνα–paparouna. Greek language. (Source: Nonnus) Klytie was a Nymphe loved by the sun-god Helios. Its red stems were desribed as his spilt blood. Greek : Agallis, iris Herakles was sent to fetch Kerberos forth from the underworld as one of his twelve labours. The tree was also prized for its wood. Yarrow has been used for treating wounds, especially bleeding wounds from iron weapons, since the Middle Ages, the leaves are effective in slowing bleeding, so that the blood will clot. IOLE: Greek myth name of a woman loved … There he was nursed by the Nymph Ortygia and guarded by shield-clashing Kouretes. HYAKINTHOS (Ὑάκινθος): Greek name meaning "hyacinth flower." In ancient Greece peonies were highly regarded for their medicinal properties, and were seen as a symbol of healing. One day, as the lovers were throwing discus, a discus thrown by Hermes hit Crocus on his head, killing him outright. A boy loved by the god Hermes. Description : A small spring-flowering deciduous tree. (Sources: Ovid, Philostratus, Pausanias, et al) Species : Delphinium ajacis Snapdragon- When a snapdragon flower is squeezed, it resembles a dragon head. with marital chastity, sacred tree in her Samian temple), Hestia (virgin priestesses carried chaste-tree stems), Artemis (Spartan statue bound in withy stems), Demeter (matrons strew their beds with flowers of the tree during the Thesmophoria festival) The iris means eye of heaven, and is named after the Greek goddess of the Rainbow, fertility, Colours, the Sea, Heraldry, the Sky, truth, and oaths, who was said to carry messages between Earth and the god Zeus, and  goddess Hera. 47. The violet became the city’s emblem and one would be hard put, to find an Athenian house, or temple, which was not adorned with violets. Medea was said to have left her basket of Kolkhian herbs on Mount Pelion where they sprouted for the use of later Thessalian withces. Sacred to : Helios Asklepios was the mythical founder of medicine. Greek : Mêlon After some deliberation, the Greeks decided Ulysses should have them, Ajax in fit of rage, took up his sword and committed suicide, resulting in his blood pouring onto the ground. Greek : Kraneia Dianthus, Flowers of the Gods (Common names, carnations, sweet William and pinks) Dianthus comes from the Greek words dios, meaning god and anthos, meaning flower. Io escaped, was restored to human form by Zeus, gave birth to his son, Epaphus, and a daughter Keroessa, went on to marry  the Egyptian king Telegonus, their grandson, Danaus, eventually returned to Greece with his fifty daughters, the  Danaids, and they all lived happily ever after. Gamelion the Ancient Greek Month of February a Month of Love, Lust, Sacred Marriage, Ancient Greek Weddings and Festivities. Theophrastus, the most famed botanist of ancient Greece  (4-3 century B.C. Greek mythology links the anemone, sometimes called the windflower, to the death of Adonis, a handsome youth, who was loved by two women, Persephone, queen of the underworld, and Aphrodite (Venus), goddess of love. Overcome by sadness, Hermes transformed crocus into a flower, the three drops of blood, which had fallen from the head of Crocus, became the stigmata of the crocus flower. Myth 5 : Medicines of Asklepios. Zeus, king of all gods, jumped in at the nick of time and saved the day, feeling compassion for Paeon, who had intended no wrong, he saved him by turning him into a beautiful flower, the peony. Campanula is also known as Venus’ looking glass and gets its name from a Greek myth in which Venus (Aphrodite, goddess of love, beauty, desire, fertility, prosperity and victory), misplaces her magic mirror, anyone who looked in it would see nothing but beauty. In a clay statue from Gazi , Crete, ‘The Minoan poppy goddess’ wears poppy seeds in her crown, thought to be sources of nourishment and narcosis. Species : Cupressus sempervirens However, just in time, Aegeas caught sight of the sword which he had left Theseus to be a mark of his paternity, and dashed the cup from his hands. After he was slain by a wild bull the god transformed him into a grape vine. Myth 1 : Tree of Dreams. Mythology : Asphodel Plains. Sacred to : Dionysos (his devotees wielded fir-cone tipped staffs), Kybele (a sacred silver fir was decorated at the centre of her mountain orgies), Eileithyia (the gum of the silver fir called the menses of Eileithyia, perhaps with a medicinal use in childbirth) The rose, the flower of passion and love, is also associated with Aphrodite the goddess of love, when her tears fell to the ground, whilst weeping over the mortally wounded Adonis, they became the superb flower which we today call the rose. (Source: Ovid) The juniper's berries ripen to an orange-red, and the male cones are yellow. Species : Ficus carica When the god Zeus, flooded the earth in order to kill off warring men, the goddess Astraea, (daughter of Astraeus and Eos, the virgin goddess of justice, innocence, purity and precision), was so upset, that all she wished for was to become a star. Maryam. 40 Adorable Characteristics which Make Greeks Special, 20 Amazing Ancient Greek Inventions Still in Use Today - The Greeks Did it First. Aias (or Ajax) was a Greek hero of the Trojan war. Prohibitions : Beans were a prohibited food in the mystery-cult of Demeter. Mythology : Bouquet of Persephone. A Satyr youth loved by the god Dionysos. Once aboard ship, the men began to regain their senses, remembered the friendly island people, and wanted to head back, Odysseus, who by now, had had enough of these goings on, tied up his men and set sail immediately, never to return. The following vases are mostly Attic, from the 5th and 6th centuries, and follow the Beazley naming convention. The tree is prized for its wood. He became so skilled that he could even bring the dead back to life. Species : Conium maculatum Sacred to : Zeus (victors of his Nemean Games were crowned with wild celery), Poseidon (victors of his Isthmian Games were later also crowned with celery, replacing the pine wreath) After the birth of Dionysos his jealous stepmother Hera sought to destroy him. How could Asclepius, god of medicine and healing, be outsmarted by his pupil? The silver fir grows to a height of 100 to 150 feet and the Grecian fir around 80. with love) Wreaths of wild celery or parsley were worn by mourners at funerals and hung in tombs. The tree was said to have been first sprung from the blood of heaven, and its manna was often described as the sky-fallen juice of the stars. Myth 1 : Thyrsos of Dionysos. Odysseus removing his men from the company of the lotus-eaters. (Source: Athenaeus), See Walnut (both were called karya in Greek), Greek : Krokos Description : Firs are mountain growing pyrmaidal-shaped conifers. Myth 2 : Judgment of Paris. The Iris takes its name from the Greek word for a rainbow, ίριδ- irida, which is also the name for the Greek goddess of the rainbow, Iris. Iggy Azalea made this name famous, but using Azalea as a first name is a great choice … As a youth he was instructed by the centaur Kheiron in the use of herbal remedies, but went on to perfect the art. The larkspur flower sprang from his blood, its petals inscribed with the "ai" of his name. Mythology : Metamorphosis Klytie. This myth is probably the one which gave the peony a bad name as the bringer of bad luck. As Hyakinthos lay dying, Apollon caused the larkspur or iris flower to spring forth from his blood, inscribing it with the Greek words "ai ai", alas, alas. (Source: Ovid) Myth 3 : Bouquet of Persephone. Morpheus slept in a cave full of poppy seeds while shaping dreams and this is why the opium – based medication, used for insomnia, as well as pain, is known as morphine. I would rather die than you should have me!’. Achilles and Ajax at Draughts, Black Figure Ware Amphora, Greek, 540 BCE. Now Leucothoe was out of the way, Clytie fully expected Helios to return to her, but what she had done to poor Leucothoe, only hardened his heart against her. The fact that Crocus, a mere mortal, became disenchanted with his love for Similax, enraged the gods, who turned him into a flower, Smilax, who did not escape the wrath of the gods, was given a similar fate and was  transformed into bindweed. (Source: Hesiod), Greek : Sykea Sacred to : Hera (assoc. Herodotus, the fifth century BC Greek historian, was convinced that the lotus-eaters were not a myth but reality and existed in his day, on an island off the coast of Libya. (Sources: Pausanias, Ovid, Hyginus), Greek : Thridax The genitals were cast upon the earth where they sprouted and grew into an almond tree. (Source: Pausanias, Ovid, Nonnus) Greeks, decorated banquet tables with violets, believing the flowers could prevent drunkenness, and violet wreaths were used to cure hangovers, when too much violet wine had been consumed. Myth 2 : Poison of Medea. The larkspur, also known as knightspur, bloomed where Ajax’s blood had fallen. The lettuce was therefore regarded as the plant of the death of love, and so of impotency. Myth 2 : Metamorphosis Attis. (Source: Homer, Pindar, Apollodorus, Aelian, et al) In Homer’s the Odyssey, Odysseus and his men, after escaping from the island of the witch, Circe, take refuge upon the land of the Lotus Eaters, whose inhabitants existed exclusively on a diet of lotus flowers (thought to be of the Egyptian Blue Water Lily type of Lotus (Nymphaea); it has also been speculated that they may have been eating poppies.). 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