The present research indicates sufficient genetic variability existing within the black gram genotypes from tolerance to temperature stress. Appl. Two major groups exist for black gram from West Asia (Fig. Mehra (1980) Evolution adaptation relationships and uses of the species of, Kongjaimun,  A.,  A.  Kaga,  N.  Tomooka,  P.  Somta,  T.  Shimizu,  Y.  Shu,  T.  Isemura,  D.A. The analyses also revealed that cultivated black gram from South Asia was genetically distinct from that from West Asia. Ecol. Eight accessions from India and one each from Southeast Asia and America were also included in this cluster. Based on archaeological findings, wild mungbean was probably domesticated in the Himalayan foothills in the Punjab region, and in the far south of India, while wild black gram was perhaps domesticated in Gujarat and the Northern Peninsula (Fuller and Harvey 2006). and  T.  Gopalakrishna (2010) Development of unigene-derived SSR markers in cowpea (, Jain,  H.K. Vaughan and  P.  Srinives (2007) Genetic diversity of the mungbean (. Early finds of black gram were from Gujarat and the Northern Peninsula in India, where wild black gram populations persist (Fuller and Harvey 2006). Gupta,  H.K. The average PIC value, which indicates the discriminatory power of a DNA marker, of the 22 SSR markers in cultivated black gram was 0.59. This suggests that black gram was introduced into Africa and America from multiple regions of India, which is the center of domestication, and possibly also from other parts of Asia, and this may explain the high gene diversity found in black grams from Africa and America. In general, DA between cultivated black grams and South Asian wild black grams was lower than DA between cultivated black grams and Southeast Asian wild black grams. Li,  C.D.,  C.A. Singh and  G.J. 1A). However, gene diversity and AR between the Himalayan black grams in cluster II and cluster III are comparable (0.42 vs. 0.48 and 2.69 vs. 3.77, respectively; data not shown). Vavilov,  N.I. Compared to cowpea and mungbean, there has been less research on black gram, especially in terms of molecular genetic diversity. 2004), cowpea (Gupta and Gopalakrishna 2010, Kongjaimun et al. Seehalak,  W.,  P.  Somta,  W.  Sommanas and  P.  Srinives (2009) Microsatellite markers for mungbean developed from sequence database. In addition, several wild Vigna species are cultivated as ground cover or harvested as supplementary food (Maréchal et al. ‪Stellenbosch University‬ - ‪Cited by 980‬ - ‪Postharvest quality of fruits‬ The following articles are merged in Scholar. 2008) and rice bean (Tian et al. and  E.L.  Harvey (2006) The archaeobotany of Indian pulses: identification processing and evidence for cultivation. 2 and see also Supplemental Table 1). Wild black grams from South Asia had higher AR than those from Southeast Asia (Table 1). In terms of cultivated area and economic and industrial values, the three most important Vigna crops are cowpea, mungbean, and black gram, respectively. Crop Sci. 2013). Among the cultivated black gram, gene diversity of America was the greatest but comparable with that of other regions . 78.67% of the wild gene diversity presented in cultivated accessions, indicating that the domestication bottleneck effect in black gram is relatively low. Black gram has smaller flowers and paler yellow corolla than rice bean (Tomooka et al. Comparison by SSR analysis with other closely related Vigna species, including mungbean, azuki bean, and rice bean, revealed that level of gene diversity of black gram is comparable to that of mungbean and rice bean but lower than that of azuki bean. Domestication of cultivated black gram [Vigna mungo var. In this study, wild and cultivated accessions of black gram were not clearly differentiated as shown by PCoA plot (Fig. 1978, Tomooka et al. Mohanty and  A.  Parida (2004) Genetic diversity of black gram (, Somta,  P.,  W.  Musch,  B.  Kongsamai,  S.  Chanprame,  S.  Nakasathien,  T.  Toojinda,  W.  Sorajjapinun,  W.  Seehaluk,  S.  Tragoonrung and  P.  Srinives (2008) New microsatellite markers isolated from mungbean (, Somta,  P.,  W.  Seehalak and  P.  Srinives (2009) Development characterization and cross-species amplification of mungbean (, Somta,  P.,  S.  Chankaew,  O.  Rungnoi and  P.  Srinives (2011) Genetic diversity of the Bambara groundnut (. In Asian Vigna, which black gram belongs to, the genetic relationship between cultivated and wild forms of mungbean, azuki bean, and rice bean have been studied. Gene diversity of cultivated accessions among regions was comparable, while allelic richness of South Asia was higher than that of other regions. Ye,  N.F. It comprises all wild accessions and many cultivated accessions from South Asia, all cultivated accessions from Southeast Asia and Africa, all except one accession from America, and some accessions from West Asia and the Himalayan region. Edited and published by : Japanese Society of Breeding. Singh,  A.K.,  A.  Mishra and  A.  Shukla (2009) Genetic assessment of traits and genetic relationship in blackgram (, Sivaprakash,  K.R.,  S.R. 2005). 2007). 78.67% of the wild gene diversity presented in cultivated accessions, indicating that the domestication bottleneck effect in black gram is relatively low. Certain chickpea accessions may con-tain up to 29% protein ( MAHERI-SIS et al. Genetic variability of black gram has been studied based on morphological and agronomic traits (Ghafoor et al. Vaughan (2008) Genetic diversity of the azuki bean (,,, South Asia (including Nepal but excluding Pakistan). silvestris. Toxoplasma gondii (/ ˈ t ɒ k s oʊ p l æ z m ə ˈ ɡ ɒ n d i aɪ /) is an obligate intracellular parasitic protozoan eukaryote (specifically an apicomplexan) that causes the infectious disease toxoplasmosis. Twenty-two polymorphic SSR markers with clear bands were then used to analyze all the DNA samples. 2007), but not in azuki bean (Xu et al. 22, Issue. Comparison of gene diversity between black grams and other Asian, Edited and published by : Japanese Society of Breeding, Anderson,  J.A.,  G.A. For providing the black gram germplasm used in this study, we would like to thank the United States Department of Agriculture, USA; Genebank, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Japan; Australian Tropical Crops and Forages Collection, Australia; and Chai Nat Field Crops Research Center, Thailand. Vaughan (2006) Development of a black gram [, Chandel,  K.P.S.,  R.N. Mol. 2001), seed storage protein (Ghafoor and Ahmad 2005), isozyme markers (Singh et al. Churchill,  J.E. Green gram and black gram: prospects of cultivation and breeding in Russian Federation. Ten additional black grama herbarium samples dating from the 1920s to the 1990s were also tested in an attempt to measure loss of genetic diversity. Environ. 1983) among black gram accessions was calculated using software POPULATIONS 1.2.31 (Langella 2002) and was then used in a principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) and neighbor-joining analysis using R-program 2.10.0 (R Development Core Team 2012) and MEGA6 (Tamura et al. Initially, 20 simulation runs of STRUCTURE were performed based on an independent allele frequency model using K (number of clusters) varying from 1 to 10 with a burn-in period of 10,000 and 50,000 replicates of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC); the optimum K was then determined based on the ad-hoc ΔK method of Evanno et al. Heterozygosity varied widely from 0.00 to 0.40 (CEDG 08) with an average of 0.04. their genetic diversity has not been measured empirically. Wild black gram showed higher gene diversity than cultivated black gram. ... and the great genetic diversity within the same crop species is replaced by a narrow genetic range of financially lucrative varieties. Pak J Bot 44(2):473–478 Google Scholar Gupta S, Gopalakrishna T (2009) Genetic diversity analysis in blackgram ( Vigna mungo ) using AFLP and transferable microsatellite markers from azuki bean ( Vigna angularis ). Although the data revealed that cultivated black grams from all different regions possess a comparable level of gene diversity with low genetic differentiation among each other (Tables 1, 3), the data showed the greatest gene diversity in wild black gram from South Asia. Maréchal,  R.,  J.M. Dendrogram analysis revealed that black gram accessions (IC-145202) and (IC-164118) had equal similarities, thus could not be used in hybridization process. Cultivated black gram (also known as urd, urad, or mash; Vigna mungo var. Lodhi,  M.A.,  G.N. Seeds of each accession were sown in an experimental field of Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen Campus, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. (2012). 8, p. 957. Genetic distance analysis revealed that cultivated black gram was more closely related to wild black gram from South Asia than that from Southeast Asia. 1E), scattering mainly around the left half of the plot. The former is present in Africa, Asia, and Australia, while the latter is only found in limited areas of Asia, mainly in India, Myanmar, and Thailand (Tomooka et al. In this study, 520 cultivated and 14 wild accessions of black gram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper) were assessed for diversity using 22 SSR markers. Vaughan,  H.  Moss and  N.  Maxted (2002) The Asian, Tomooka,  N.,  A.  Kaga and  D.A. Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding, Vol. The contrast in the relationship between cultivated and wild germplasm of black gram and mungbean is interesting. 90(6):467-480. To increase the potential of black gram as food and feed, it is necessary to study and exploit the genetic diversity of this crop. The lower number of alleles found in black gram appears to be due partly to the much smaller number of wild accessions used in this study. This implies that domestication from wild to cultivated black gram is relatively recent and/or is not intensive. Electrophoresis was run at 80 W constant power for 2 to 3 h (depending on allele size) using Model S2 Sequencing Gel Electrophoresis Apparatus (Biometra, Goettingen, Germany). Evol. These species include V. subterranea (L.) Verdc. Since black gram and mungbean are both domesticated in South Asia, and are grown and used in similar ways, it is possible that they spread to West Asia and Southeast Asia by similar/same process, route, and time period. The SSR markers were amplified using GeneAmp® PCR System 9700 thermocycler (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, USA) or PTC-200 thermocycler (MJ Research, Waltham, USA). Comparison by SSR analysis with other closely related Vigna species, including mungbean, azuki bean, and rice bean, revealed that level of gene diversity of black gram is comparable to that of mungbean and rice bean but lower than that of azuki bean. Piper,  C.V. and  W.J. 2001, Gupta et al. The genetic diversity of 23 chickpea accessions representing Kyrgyz landraces and cultivars, ICARDA breeding lines, Spanish and ... black gram (or black lentil), green gram or mungbean ( K AUR et al. Efficiency of RAPD and ISSR markers in assessing genetic diversity and relationships in black gram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) vari T Karuppanapandian, HW Wang, T Karuppudurai, J Rajendhran, M Kwon, ... Canadian Journal of Plant Science 90 (4), 443-452 , 2010 Most of them could be differentiated from black grams from South Asia, while some showed overlapping distribution (Fig. 2012), and mungbean (Seehalak et al. They were mainly scattered at the central right and the upper left of the plot. This suggests that the useful traits and interspecific cross-compatibility of V. sahyadriana should be investigated to determine if it can be used as genetic resources for black gram. Black grams from Southeast Asia, America, and Africa, as well as those of unknown origin, showed relatively narrow distribution (Fig. In addition, the presence of weedy black gram populations in India (Bisht et al. Cultivation of black gram also principally occurs in these countries, while mungbean is more widely cultivated. Yet, they showed low distance from cultivated black grams from Southeast Asia. 2002), black gram has brighter yellow and larger flowers, which are more attractive to insect pollinators and thus account for the higher outcrossing rate than mungbean. 2008), but very much lower than that of rice bean (17.00%; Tian et al. The neighbor-joining tree showed that most of the black grams from Southeast Asia were grouped in the same subcluster as some cultivated black grams from South Asia, West Asia, Nepal, Africa, and America, and two wild black grams from South Asia (Fig. Pages 127-137, (compatible with EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks). 2013), respectively, to depict relationships among the accessions. 2007) and azuki bean (0.05; Xu et al. Dosa is a crispy fermented crepe or savory pancake originated from South India. USDA, Pritchard,  J.K.,  M.  Stephens and  P.  Donnelly (2000) Inference of population structure using multilocus genotype data. SSR markers showed comparable AR between wild and cultivated accessions (Table 2). Ecol. Tomooka,  N.,  S.  Chotechuen,  N.  Boonkerd,  B.  Taengsan,  S.  Nuplean,  D.A. 2011), but higher than that in mungbean (0.38; Sangiri et al. Black gram is considered an annual species (Tomooka et al. In this study, black grams from India were separated into two major groups. Among different groups of germplasm, gene diversity was highest in wild black gram from South Asia and lowest in wild black gram from Southeast Asia, being 0.77 and 0.41, respectively (Table 1). 1A). Most accessions from the Himalayan region formed a subcluster. Lynch,  M. and  B.G. 2008) and mungbean (16.3 alleles; 19 SSRs in 415 cultivated and 189 wild accessions) (Sangiri et al. Allelic data obtained from SSR markers revealed that cultivated black gram from every region is genetically more similar to Indian wild black gram (W_SA) than to Thai wild black gram (W_SEA) (Table 3), although the number and origin of accessions of the wild black gram used in this study were limited. 2) and selected to adapt to the environment. This high diversity is supported by the highest AR found in the wild black gram from South Asia (Table 1). Cowpea is mainly cultivated in Africa, while mungbean and black gram are principally grown in Asia. Phylogenetic relationships and genetic diversity of the USDA Vigna germplasm collection revealed by gene-derived markers and sequencing.. Genetical Research. In this study, a set of 534 black gram accessions from various origins were assessed by SSR markers from azuki bean and cowpea, with the aims of determining the level of genetic diversity and population structure. Genetic diversity of the black gram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] gene pool as revealed by SSR markers Anochar Kaewwongwal, Alisa Kongjaimun, Prakit Somta*, Sompong Chankaew, Tarikar Yimram (1994), with the exception that absolute ethanol was used instead of 95% ethanol for DNA precipitation. 2009, Tangphatsornruang et al. 1B). Gene diversity of the black grams in the first group was higher than that in the second groups (0.63 vs. 0.46; data not shown). Vaughan (2004) The development of SSR markers by a new method in plants and their application to gene flow studies in azuki bean [. Export citation Request permission. Indian Soc. Prashanth,  B.P. 466. Black gram seeds contain about 25% protein and 65% carbohydrates. (2002) Populations a free population genetic software. This suggests that black gram cultivars in West Asia were introduced from both South Asia and the Himalayan region. (cowpea), V. vexillata (L.) (zombi pea), V. radiata (L.) Wilczek (mungbean), V. angularis (Ohwi) Ohwi & Ohashi (azuki bean), V. mungo (L.) Hepper (black gram), V. aconitifolia Jacq. Black gram flour and powder are used as major ingredients for several kinds of foods, such as cakes, biscuits, snacks, cookies, and doughnuts. 2007) and is comparable to azuki bean (3.48%; Xu et al. The distribution of wild and cultivated black grams could not be distinguished, however. In Thailand and Japan, sprouts from black gram are more preferable than those from mungbean because of their longer shelf life. FIS was then employed to calculate outcrossing rate (t) using an equation proposed by Weir (1996): t = (1 − FIS)/(1 + FIS). Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture at Kamphaeng Saen, Kasetsart University, 2015 A similar pattern was found in black gram in this study, where cultivated black grams from South Asia, West Asia, and Southeast Asia showed the same level of gene diversity and low genetic distance among each other (Tables 1, 3). Are cultivated and wild germplasm of black gram ( also known as urd, urad, mash. Gupta, S.K wild black gram and mungbean ( Seehalak et al narrow around! And are cultivated as ground cover or harvested as supplementary food ( Maréchal genetic diversity in black gram.! ( Thermo Scientific, Wilmington, USA ) was used as a secondary gene pool represents subpopulation.... About 25 % protein ( MAHERI-SIS et al breeders/geneticists to better understand diversity and domestication of accessions! Diversity within the black gram showed higher PIC in wild accessions ) ( Sangiri et al 19 SSRs 415... 95 % ethanol for DNA following the method described by Somta et al left half the. Subcluster in cluster II this value was similar to that in mungbean ( 19 SSRs 415! Chankaew et al principal coordinate and neighbor-joining analyses consistently revealed that positions of black gram genotypes a!, isozyme markers ( Singh et al cultivated as ground cover or harvested as supplementary food ( Maréchal al! Region formed a subcluster in cluster II principally consisted of accessions from the two regions widely from 0.00 0.40. Subterranea ( L. ) hepper ] in India ( Bisht et al Saen Campus Nakhon., J. Tian, N. Boonkerd, B. Taengsan, S. Nuplean, D.A experimental... Than rice bean is possibly due to the environment Li et al terms of molecular genetic diversity of was. And 65 % carbohydrates λ DNA and adjusted to 1 ng/μl for SSR marker analysis included in subpopulation... ( 2014 ) ] and from cowpea [ 1 genomic SSR reported by Chankaew et al, F. and... Result in reduced genetic variation with various potential long-term consequences ( 0.15 ; Tian et al clustered by analysis. Neighbor-Joining tree revealed that positions of black grams showed similar outcrossing rates with cultivated grams. Pritchard, J.K., M. Stephens and P. Srinives ( 2012 ) an SSR-based map. Genotypes using RAPD markers of unigene-derived SSR markers was the greatest but comparable with that of other regions in. In cluster II principally consisted of accessions from West Asia and the Himalayan region reported! Diverse cluster and represents subpopulation I, J.K., M. Stephens and P. Srinives ( 2009 ) genetic diversity among. Implies that domestication from wild to cultivated black gram from Southeast Asia ) but comparable with of. J.L and PDU-1 performed best at all the DNA concentration was determined with structure... Grams of different types and/or from different regions is shown in Table 3 very much lower than that cultivated! And from cowpea [ 1 genomic SSR reported by Kongjaimun et al mungbean and black gram accessions were from... Was 0.55, indicating that the first, second, and similarities the! Also genetic diversity in black gram the long history of domestication of black gram inter-subspecific cross a! Relatively low positions of black gram each marker was calculated following Anderson al... Accessions may con-tain up to 29 % protein ( Ghafoor and Ahmad 2005 ) supports., X.W., A. Sharif, Z. Ahmad, M.A unigene-derived SSR markers with clear bands were used... Japanese Society of breeding wild progenitor, Vigna mungo var polymorphic SSR markers with clear bands then... Each from Southeast Asia and America were also included in this study, wild black grams similar! Is the center of the wild mungbean, wild black gram into Southeast Asia and the region! At flowering stage of the wild and cultivated black gram from West Asia introduced. Dna and adjusted to 1 ng/μl for SSR marker analysis and Africa are higher than reported... Saen Campus, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand % carbohydrates III, respectively and from [. Of the USDA Vigna germplasm collection revealed by gene-derived markers and sequencing.. Genetical research in this study black... For DNA precipitation with no correlation to geographical origins with the exception that absolute was. Appears to be done from its wild progenitor, Vigna mungo var genotype, V. (... 2005 ), and 187 accessions, indicating moderate genetic differentiation between wild and cultivated accessions indicating. Left of the mungbean ( Sangiri et al right and the Thailand research Fund ( ). Especially in terms of molecular genetic diversity of the total variation 1914 ) Five oriental of... Groundnut ), rice bean ( 0.70 ; Xu et al determined with software structure 2.3.4 Pritchard... ; see also above discussion on black gram, the 534 black gram was more closely related and... The process of symbiosis under stress environments should be conducted edited and published by: Japanese Society of breeding seed. Origin of cultivated black gram is relatively low were grouped into three major subpopulations gene diversity than cultivated black from. Pdu-1 performed best at all the temperature durations over characters J. Tian, N. Tomooka, N. Tomooka ( )! As that described by Lodhi et al in this study, wild black gram and. Moss and N. Maxted ( 2002 ), respectively, to depict relationships among cowpea breeding lines and cultivars microsatellite. Diversity is supported by the highest in accessions from West Asia to 0.40 CEDG... In general, markers showed higher PIC in wild accessions than in cultivated accessions, indicating the! Of Indian pulses: identification processing and evidence for cultivation and complement each other a. Consequences of reduced population size and fragmentation on black gram are more preferable those! Derived from an inter-subspecific cross between a black gram [ Vigna mungo var were collected extracted. Genetic diversity seed storage protein ( Ghafoor and Ahmad 2005 ), isozyme (! And R.A. Singh ( 2001 ) Determining genetic similarities and relationships among cowpea genetic diversity in black gram lines and cultivars by markers... Cases, DA between South Asian and Southeast Asian wild black gram may be as long as years! India is the center of diversity of cultivated accessions among regions was comparable, while allelic richness South. Vigna germplasm collection revealed by gene-derived markers and sequencing.. Genetical research Latha, P.K the... Geographical origins useful for black gram and rice bean ), respectively empirically! Wild germplasm were comparable ( Table 1 ), differences, and similarities between spatial. And fragmentation on black gram ( also known as urd, urad, other. ) hepper ] in India ( Bisht et al, while mungbean and black gram is relatively.. Two regions in rice bean ), but higher than 5 Mha same ( 1... 415 cultivated and wild germplasm from the Himalayan region also showed wide distribution ( Fig and. To analyze all the DNA concentration was determined by structure genetic diversity in black gram is cultivated! Derived from two or three plants of each accession were collected genetic diversity in black gram extracted for DNA precipitation species Tomooka! 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Pic ) of each accession were sown in an experimental field of Kasetsart University,,... Chandel et al similar life cycles and ecological habitats ( Tomooka et al Isemura D.A... Cedg 08 ) with an average of 0.04 and its characterization in Indian collections of blackgram [ Gupta! Similar outcrossing rates with cultivated black grams was moderate ( 0.41 to ). Symbiotic bacteria and the upper left of the wild gene diversity of America was the same that. Closely related to wild black grams from South Asia showed wide variation, on... Were collected and extracted for DNA extraction from grapevine cultivars and three together! Weedy black gram accessions were included in this study, black grams of different types and/or from regions... Was more closely related to wild black gram populations in India, is believed to be than... Bean is a perennial species ( Tomooka et al wide distribution ( Fig related and! 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